

The "Ridge" is a supervised learning method on OLS adding a L2 penalty. This method of adding a small positive quantity (square of coefficients) to the OLS objective function is able to obtain an equation with smaller mean square error.

Probablistic Derivation

We first set up the maximum likelihood estimation equation: where

As we select our priors based on normal distribution (L2 penalty), the likelihood function could be reduced through the following equation:

After simplification, the objective function becomes:

While this equation is differentiable, we are able to deduct the closed form equation by taking the gradient of the objective function and set it to 0:


If user ask for the intercept term, we prepend the a column of 1 to input data X.

if self.fit_intercept:
    X = torch.cat([torch.ones(X.shape[0], 1), X], dim=1)

The weight of the model is calculated through the closed-form equation derived from the obejctive function. Similar to the implementation of Sklearn, intercept of the model is not penalized (not adding the ridge term).

# L2 penalty term will not apply when alpha is 0
if self.alpha == 0:
    self.weight = torch.pinverse(X.T @ X) @ X.T @ y
    ridge = self.alpha * torch.eye(X.shape[1])
    # intercept term is not penalized when fit_intercept is true
    if self.fit_intercept:
        ridge[0][0] = 0
    self.weight = torch.pinverse((X.T @ X) + ridge) @ X.T @ y

The torchml Interface

First fit the model with training data, then make predictions.

ridge = Ridge()
ridge.fit(X_train, y_train)


  • Arthur E. Hoerl and Robert W. Kennard's introduction to Ridge Regression paper
  • The scikit-learn documentation page



The "Lasso" is a supervised learning method used on OLS (ordinary least squares) that performs both variable selection and regularization. Mathematically, it consists of a linear model with added L1 penalty term.

The objective function for Lasso is listed below:


As Lasso objective function is not differentiable, it is hard to obtain a closed form equation that could be used directly to calculate the coefficients. In torchml, we utilizes Cvxpylayers to construct a differentiable convex optimization layer to compute the problem.

One problem of using Cvxpylayers is that the coefficients are not able to reduce to 0 exactly, but Cvxpylayers is capable of minimizing the impact of certain features by assigning them extremely small coefficients).

We first set up objective function of Lasso for further construction of cvxpylayer.

if self.fit_intercept:
    loss = (1 / (2 * m)) * cp.sum(cp.square(X_param @ w + b - y_param))
    loss = (1 / (2 * m)) * cp.sum(cp.square(X_param @ w - y_param))

penalty = alpha * cp.norm1(w)
objective = loss + penalty

Then we set up constraints, create the problem to minimize the objective function, and construct a pytorch layer.

constraints = []
if self.positive:
    constraints = [w >= 0]

prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective), constraints)

if self.fit_intercept:
    fit_lr = CvxpyLayer(prob, [X_param, y_param, alpha], [w, b])
    fit_lr = CvxpyLayer(prob, [X_param, y_param, alpha], [w])

At last, we obtain weight and intercept (if asked by user) by fitting in the input training data into the constructed pytorch layer.

if self.fit_intercept:
    self.weight, self.intercept = fit_lr(X, y, torch.tensor(self.alpha, dtype=torch.float64))
    self.weight = fit_lr(X, y, torch.tensor(self.alpha, dtype=torch.float64))
    self.weight = torch.stack(list(self.weight), dim=0)

The torchml Interface

First fit the model with training data, then make predictions.

lasso = Lasso()
lasso.fit(X_train, y_train)
